Cinderella 2013
Author, designer and director: Jalal Tehrani
Public performance in the main hall of the city theater in Shahrivar and Mehr 1392
This theater was opened in the winter of 2011 and went on stage after 8 months.
Being set in motion in winter of 2013, this performance took the stage after eight months of rehearsal. The Cinderella of this play is generated through gossips that means the staff of an office, in their office chat call the General's daughter "Cinderella". So the girl appears to have gradually turned to Cinderella and Therefore Unattainable, Much to the Men's Regret. The director has arranged 130 seats on the stage and developed a two - sided stage.This singular feature besides the unprecedented attendance of the audience made this work the most larely - attended performance in proportion to the number of on-stage night’s in the forty -year history of the main hall of City Theater. Much to our surprise, Jalal Tehrani hardly observes the conventions of Popularity of A performance and the Box office and is mostly known by theater experts as an Experimental Director.
تصاویر اجرا
تیزر تبلیغاتی
نشانهشناسیِ گفتار در تئاترِ «سیندرلا» - برجستهسازیِ زبان در گفتار - رامتین شهبازی
Tom Parker
مطالعه مقاله
نشانهشناسیِ مکان در تئاترِ معاصرِ ایران با تاکید بر اجرای «سیندرلا» - نسیم بنیاسدی
Patricia Snow
مطالعه مقاله
«جلال تهرانی» طراح و کارگردان «سیندرلا» در گفتوگو با «اعتماد» - ۱۳۹۲.۰۶.۳۱