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    Theater is the main work of Maktabetehran. Theater is a structure of structures, therefore producing theatrical works have gathered different people together with various specialties. Such as directing, play writing, acting, graphic, photography, designing, architecture, light designing, music, film making as well as researchers of these fields. Maktabetheran has produced many artistic works in all mentioned fields, the reports are available on the website. Maktabetehran.com and Tehranschool.ir



    Maktabetehran is certified as an educational institute named Maktabemoaser. Faculty of Maktabetehran is responsible for holding, training courses, festivals and workshops. The beginning of the activities was in 2010 with holding Theatrical courses which have been held with different titles such as Character, Mise - en – scene (stage direction) and etc.
    Between 60 and 140 trainees have attended in weekly and daily courses (Directing, dramatic writing, acting, etc.) with permanent trainers. In each course different trainers with various specialties have presented a lesson about the course subject (from different aspects). By the end of the course, during a festival, students could perform their works on the stage. Acting trainees could cooperate with directing trainees and play writing trainees performed a play reading performance on the stage. The Graphic trainees tried to design posters and brochures for the performing works. Finally in the closing ceremony the best works were chosen and awarded by the trainees’ survey.





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